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Sunday, July 09, 2006一场漂亮的战?
今天下午我参加了俱乐部举行的一场高尔夫球比赛(monthlymedal),在 Orchid Country Club 举行。今天表现得非常好,还以为自己能够拿到奖杯了可是到了最后还是空手而回,真可惜啊。我打了一场18洞而挥了86杆。这是我目前在这个“战场”所打得最漂亮的一战,可惜还是不够好。可是不要紧,我打败了我自己,我也打败了这个course.
我一大早就起床,换好衣服,吃好丰富的早餐便搭地铁到Yishun,一下车坐了feeder bus来得了俱乐部。我赶快拿了我的球杆,赶快练了好几十粒球又跑去吃东西了,哈哈!只不过了以过了一个钟头我又吃了,有点猪猪吧。我的teetime shi 1323hr。时间快到了我也就去就位了。当时有十多个“观众”吧,都也是参加比赛的大人。感觉有点压力可是呢我的teeshot还是那天嘴棒的一粒吧,不负众望吧!我在前九个洞表现不错,打了40,可能为了要打好back nine 我给了自己压力也很遗憾的打了46。
Here are the records of your past times you had. These links will help you refer to your history. So, be sure to post every single day and don't miss out a month! Or else you will miss out one archive. :)
Please do not remove the credits as I think they deserved to be mentioned for their hard work. I am not talking about myself, I am talking about the people who come up with the picture and software. Thank you.